Lina & Finley
Birth Date: November 18, 2021
Est. Go-Home Date (8 weeks): January 12, 2022
Puppy Price: $3,500 with AKC Limited Registration
Deposit (Non-Refundable*): $500, applied towards price above
Pedigree: Pedigree: Capitolina x Finley (

Ch Tramin Capitolina
Hips: FCI A/A and OFA Good (Final)
Elbows: FCI 0/0 and OFA Normal (Final)
Heart: Normal
Eyes: Clear

Elkridge Finley Blizzard
Hips: PennHip .41/.41 / OFA Good (Final)
Elbows: OFA Normal (Final)
Heart: Normal
Eyes: Clear
Litter is now fully reserved
More photos of Lina & Finley and puppies from their previous litter :

Learn more about our puppy reservation process or click on the button(s) below to begin the process!
Deposit Information
Please contact me prior to making a deposit at Once I have confirmed that we have a girl or boy puppy available for you, I will accept a deposit via paypal.
PayPal Payments

I will be contacting folks who have submitted Good Dog applications or contact forms over the next several days.
Reservations are held by a non-refundable deposit. Timing of deposit establishes the pick order. Because decision making timing varies by family - and we never want to rush anyone to make a decision - we are unable to 'hold' reservation spots without a deposit.
1. Held for BRG - RKK - Miss Pink
2. Tom N - Miss Light Purple
1. Fernando Z - Mr Brown
2. Natalia P - Mr Light Green
3. Suzanne B - Mr Purple
4. Grace J - Mr Blue
5. Kristen S - Mr Dark Green
6. Susan M - Mr Orange
Note: Big Rock Goldens always reserves the exclusive right to keep or hold back a puppy - or cancel a reservation with refund at any time for any reason.
We accept a limited number of advance reservations before the puppies are born (up to 3 girls and 3 boys per litter). This is based on our history of having average litter sizes of 8-9 puppies, however any individual litter can vary (as number of puppies and gender is really up to Mother Nature!). We offer advance reservations to help puppy families who want to plan ahead, with the understanding that with all things related to nature, things can vary. We will hold an advance reservation with deposit, which is only refundable if we are not able to offer a puppy from the preferred litter & gender.